Members Only AEA Conference Highlights from LAWG
September 16, 2022
Join us for an update from GCEval's Local Affiliate Working Group, and hear about what they've been planning for November's American Evaluation Association Conference in New Orleans.
We will hear about LAWG-organized special projects and events, and preview several member-led conference workshops and presentations you won't want to miss!

Members Only Evaluation and Education
August 19, 2022
Ripple Effect, a non-profit environmental education organization, discusses their efforts to bring science curriculum, instruction, and assessment into alignment by centering student sensemaking. Join us as they share experiences in collaboration with education researchers and evaluators, to create formative assessments that support teachers’ capacities to identify and build on student understanding.

Members Only GC Eval Summer Social
August 2, 2022
Join GCEval for a celebration of Summer on Tuesday August 2, from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. Come to meet other evaluators, network and chat about whatever is on your mind.

Members Only Evaluation and Storytelling
June 17, 2022
GCEval Members Steve Mumford, Ph.D., and Michelle Bidwell, MPH, will be discussing their work with the Greater New Orleans Foundation's Hurricane Ida Evaluation and Storytelling Project.
Join us as we discuss their unique experience evaluating the impact of grant funding in regions still recovering from disaster and their lessons learned.
Members Only Facilitate! Facilitate! Facilitate!
May 20, 2022
In this session Dr. Rachel Scott from the Center for Research Evaluation at the University of Mississippi will share a set of facilitation protocols designed to help social programs collect data, interpret data, and contemplate how to use data to make positive change.
Members Only Mixed Methods
February 18, 2022
Ever wondered if there is more to mixed methods evaluation than a quick survey and some follow-up interviews? Join Dr. Sarah Mason from the University of Mississippi for a conversation about intentional mixed methods evaluation designs and a discussion on when and how to choose from explicitly mixed methods evaluation designs and analysis strategies.

Members Only GCEval Mission, Vision and Values
April 22, 2022
Join us for another interactive session on April 22 during which we will share the draft statement and gather your feedback, reflection and thoughts on improvement.

Members Only Evaluating Your Evaluator
January 21, 2022
A conversation with Henry Nuss, Ph.D of LSU Health Sciences Center on the topic of evaluating your evaluator. Dr. Nuss will share his ongoing experiences and lessons learned conducting evaluations and working with clients in academia, as well as the public and private sectors.

Members Only Using Pivot Tables
December 16, 2022
Please join us for our membership meeting on Data, Evaluation and Government with Melissa Schigoda! Melissa is the Director of the Office of Performance and Accountability for the City of New Orleans. Melissa will share a little about the history of the office and their latest performance management dashboard, as well as the criteria related to evaluation that are a part of the What Works Cities Certification (the standard of excellence for data-driven local government) for discussion with the group.

Members Only Arts-Based Evaluation with Jennica Nichols
October 21, 2022
Join us for Arts-Based Evaluation with Jennica Nichols! Jennica is a KT specialist, implementation scientist, credentialed evaluator, educational consultant, researcher, and the Co-founder of AND Implementation. During Friday's meeting Jennica will speak about her experience working in the evaluation space and chat about creative and arts based methods for data collection.

Members Only Inroad with Funders
November 18, 2022
Join us this November as we de-brief from the Eval22 AEA Conference and hear from Vanessa Lazar, Senior Program Officer about how evaluation is being prioritized and integrated in the Gulf Research Project at National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.